CWPC Launches WUI Planning Hub

Mar 29, 2023

CWPC has launched a new WUI Planning Hub on our website to provide resources and tools for land use planners, fire mitigation specialists, and other practitioners interested or engaged in wildland-urban interface (WUI) planning activities.

One of our WUI Planning Hub’s unique features is an interactive map that directs users to national and state WUI planning resources. These resources focus on reports, guidance, maps, or other materials that will enhance understanding of the WUI, with an emphasis on land use planning topics. Our emphasis on land use planning fills a critical resource gap and promotes awareness of how planners play a role in the WUI through decisions that affect the built environment, such as the location and types of new development.

The WUI Planning Hub is a living resource that will continue to be updated and maintained. Let us know if you have a suggestion for a WUI planning resource from your state that should be considered for our map. You can submit your suggestions directly on our website.

We are thankful for grant funds provided by the Argosy Foundation to support the research and ongoing development of our WUI Planning Hub.